Buyout Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

Also known as a buy-sell agreement, a buyout agreement is a binding contract between business partners that discusses buyout details when one partner decides to leave a business. It lays out in-depth information on the determinable value of the partnership and who can purchase ownership interests. A buyout agreement also states the terms for departure from the business, if a buyout of the withdrawing partner is mandatory, and what may cause a buyout to happen. Aside from partnerships, corporations, LLCs, and S companies all can use buyout agreements.

Reasons for a partner leaving a business include divorce, death, bankruptcy, lack of interest, or mutual reasons between partners. Because a buyout agreement is a legally binding document, it can stand alone. Partnership agreements can also include a section or an addendum that constitutes a buyout agreement.

However, there are some common misconceptions about buyout agreements. While such agreements deal with partnership valuation, what happens when a partner exits the business, and who can purchase the partner's share, it is not used to tackle financial and tax issues. It does not manage the offering or purchasing of the partnership when it dissolves. Furthermore, a buyout agreement can also restrict a partner's ability to offer or exchange business ownership without the approval of other business owners.

Common Withdrawal Events Covered in a Buyout Agreement

There are several normal events, as well as irregular instances, that can spur a partner's withdrawal from the business. Any potential event should be covered in the buyout agreement. Some of the events that require a buyout agreement include:

Reasons to Consider a Buyout Agreement

A buyout agreement protects the remaining business partner from financial hardship or legal questions when one of the partners leaves the business. Businesses have a 70 percent failure rate, making a buyout agreement all the more important. Without this document, the dissolution or separation of business may wind up in a lengthy and costly legal battle.

What makes the buyout agreement beneficial is that it's a legally binding document that both partners agreed to when the partnership formed. It should entail:

Buyout valuations are perhaps the most important aspect of a buyout agreement. This is typically the cause of most arguments during a buyout. Valuations are often regarded as the fair market value of the business as determined by a professional such as an accountant. Fair market value for a share includes factors such as:

To protect the remaining business partner, the buyout agreement should lay out restrictions for the departing business partner. Many buyout agreements have non-compete disclosures. This keeps the departing partner from developing relationships with previous clients or opening up a similar business within a certain geographic area or time frame. Buyout agreements may also limit a situation where a partner leaves simply for financial gain.

If you need help with drafting a buyout agreement, you can post your legal needs on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts on the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.