Long-term conditions Millions of people in England live with one or more long-term physical or mental health conditions

Supporting people living with long-term conditions to take control of their health and care can lead to a better quality of life. It also plays a role in creating a more sustainable health care system.

Our recent work and content on this topic is listed below.

Caring for older patients with complex needs

How does the NHS in England compare with health care systems in 11 OECD countries?

An elderly lady sitting in a chair on a hospital ward looks at a nurse as she takes notes

Why are cancer rates rising among younger people? – with Kimmie Ng and Charles Swanton

Episode 47. There’s a concerning uptick in cancer incidence among adults younger than 50 years. Do we know what's causing it?

Why are cancer rates rising among younger people?

Building a healthier labour market: immediate priorities for the new government

What should the DWP focus on in their ‘back to work’ plans? Chris Rocks, who leads the Commission for Healthier Working Lives, sets out three key priorities.

How can the next government improve the health of the workforce and boost growth?

18 June 2024

With the health of the UK's working-age population in decline, how can the new government work with employers to better support the workforce?

How can the next government improve the health of the workforce and boost growth?

Health Foundation responds to ONS update on economic inactivity due to long-term sickness

11 June 2024

Christopher Rocks, Lead Economist and Head of Secretariat at the Health Foundation, responds to the latest ONS update on economic inactivity due to long-term sickness

Tackling working-age health and employment: what should the next government prioritise?

Following Labour's announcement on working-age health, Dave Finch considers the three priorities on working-age health and employment for the next government.

Our priorities for the 2024 general election

4 June 2024

This infographic sets out five priorities that the next government should focus on to build a healthier UK.

Graphic showing a ballot being placed in a ballot box.

Health inequalities in 2040: give people the tools to manage chronic pain

29 May 2024

Lee Vaughan has lived with chronic pain since his teens. Now a health coach, he explains why it’s so important we equip people with the skills to effectively manage their own conditions.

Lee Vaughan

Health Foundation responds to new DWP data on health conditions for Universal Credit claimants

14 March 2024

Health Foundation responds to new DWP data on health conditions for Universal Credit claimants.

Lessons to help the government’s WorkWell programme work well

Sharlene McGee shares some key lessons from the Health Foundation's Economies for Healthier Lives programme that could help inform the government's new WorkWell pilots.

Why aren't we working? – with Sacha Romanovitch and Oliver Coppard

Episode 40. What lies behind the decline in health of working-age people in the UK and what are the solutions?